And I am beyond determined that Brigid will love all of these things, too.
Of course, birthing her in October was a stroke of genius on my part, obviously, because who doesn't love their birthday month?
But beyond that, we pack our weekends full of fun activities, starting around the end of September, just to increase that whole 'FALL IS AWESOME!!!' brainwashing thing I have going on around here. And on the schedule for this weekend?
The pumpkin patch!!!
The pumpkin patch, where Brigid picked out $40 worth of pumpkins, and I couldn't say no to a single one of them, because I liked them all, too.
The pumpkin patch, where Brigid demanded something, which, in Brigid speak, means something sweet to eat, and I responded by buying a small loaf of pumpkin bread, a fried apple pie, and a pumpkin muffin, because, again, when it comes to the pumpkin stuff, 'no' doesn't seem to be an option for me.
You're really making me want to go to the pumpkin patch!!!