Monday, April 1, 2013

Four Month Check-Up: Caitlin Edition

Caitlin had her four month check-up today, and as I am the same person who forgot when Brigid's spring pictures were at school (and let Steve send her in that day wearing a sweatshirt and the messiest pony-tail, ever) AND when the school Easter party was being held (meaning my daughter was picked up from school that day carrying a paper bag with her name written on it instead of an Easter basket brought from home, like the rest of the kids, and also, possibly, that she ended up stealing eggs from those same kids, since I'm still not sure whether we were supposed to send her in with treats or not), I forgot that Brigid didn't have school today when I made Caitlin's appointment.
So, instead of taking advantage of the vacation day and planning something fun for Brigid to do, we had a family field trip to the doctor's office for shots! Just how every kid wants to spend her morning, right?

On the other hand, dragging Brigid along with us while Caitlin got her vaccines meant that I had the chance to hear her sing 'Rock-a-Bye Baby' to her little sister, trying to calm her down when she was crying after the shots, so...
Yeah. My kids are pretty awesome.
Height: 24 3/4 inches - 69th percentile (Brigid: 25/80th)
Weight: 13lbs 14oz - 56th percentile (Brigid: 14lbs 10oz/75th)
Cheeks: completely kiss-worthy
Four Month Development Checklist: perfect


  1. Those cheeks are kiss-worthy! Too cute! And I can't believe that she is 4 months already! Where has time gone?

  2. Tooooooooooo much to keep track of!

  3. Awwww. Elizabeth was less adorable when Ryan got his first shots. Instead she yelled at the nurse. Still sweet, less baby book worthy.


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