Monday, May 7, 2012

Wind in Her Hair

Friday night, Steve and Brigid caught a ride downtown with Steve's sister and mom to meet me for dinner when I finally got off of work for the day. And since my car was the only family vehicle available to us for the ride home, I shoe-horned a carseat and a 6'0 man into the back seat of my two-door VW convertible for the twenty minute (all side street) trip back to the burbs. It was, shockingly, much more successful than I thought it would be.

Of course, most of that success could be attributed to the fact that I sit ON TOP of the wheel when I'm driving, since my 5'2 legs have trouble reaching the gas pedal, so Steve found just enough leg room to get him through the short drive, but that's neither here nor there...

Since Brigid generally freaks out the minute I even think about rolling down a WINDOW in my car, I didn't think there was any way she'd agree to taking the whole top down on the car, but Steve told me that she'd love it. And he was right...

(Seriously, I HATE when that happens...)

At one point, she yelled at me for stopping, and I had to try to explain how traffic laws worked to a two-year old, specifically in regards to a red light. The minute the light changed to green, though, she grabbed her blanket and said excitedly, 'here we go night-night!', and it was maybe the cutest thing that has ever come out of her mouth. Which is really saying something, because there are A LOT of cute things that come out of her mouth, but there you have it...

I'm glad she enjoyed her trip...

(Of course, it should be mentioned that about halfway through the drive, she claimed she was done and asked me to put the top back up, so I was kind of right, too, STEVE, but whatever. She enjoyed it for awhile, anyway...)

1 comment:

  1. 1) What is it with these 6' men and their short wives? My husband is also 6' and I'm a smidge shorter than 4'11". 2) S also hates when I roll the windows down, but if we're in my husband's "special car" (ie: 1971 Chevelle), she hates if the windows are up. Babies and their daddies. Pfft. I think they have a conspiracy against us.


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