Monday, June 7, 2010

Mobile baby? Eh, sort of...

And.....we have a crawler!!

Ok, so not really so much a crawler, as a baby who, on Friday afternoon, took the crawling equivalent of two steps, before falling back to her belly, never to reach that point again. She's so good at getting up on all fours and starting the rocking motion, but the minute she tries to actually propel herself forward, her arms give out on her, and she ends up all sprawled out, back on the floor. Apparently, our child has inherited the upper body strength of her parents. She might as well skip this whole crawling thing, and move straight on to the walking, because the cards are stacked against her, my friends.

So she's not the most coordinated baby in the world. Neither am I, and I've managed to keep myself from serious harm. Plus, the sitting! She's a great sitter! And she looks so cute doing it! So, at least she's got that going for her...

In other weekend news, I bought the car I mentioned last week. I am a weak, weak person. But I am now a weak, weak person with an adorable new car. Yes, I'm the idiot who had a child and downgraded from a four-door sedan to a two-door convertible. And no, I don't care. It's so pretty!

Also, my husband, he is a genius in the kitchen. See this? This is grilled salmon and a side salad topped with seared scallops, caramelized avocados, and grapefruit slices. Um, it was maybe the most amazing this ever. Not many people have a husband who will buy them a car, then make dinner to celebrate. What a guy...

I realize the salmon didn't photograph too well here, but trust me when I say it was delicious!

So, yeah. I'd say I had a pretty good weekend.

And I'm already ready for the next one...

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