Monday, November 8, 2010

Visit with Santa Claus

Yes, I know that we are only one week into November.  Yes, I know we haven't even hit Thanksgiving, yet.  Yes, I know there is over a month and a half until Christmas.

No, I don't care.

I started listening to Christmas music as of November 1st.  I will have my Christmas tree up in the next week (mostly because I want it up before we leave for Indiana for Thanksgiving, so that I can be in full-time Christmas mode once we get back, but still...).  I have already taken my daughter to see Santa Claus.

Ok, I admit that the last one is a little crazy, even for me and my Christmas obsessed self.  But, Brigid is only a year old, so I don't have to worry about getting her too excited for the big day, too soon.  And I want her picture with Santa Claus to be our Christmas card.  And getting an appointment with the good Santa in Atlanta on a weekend is kind of hard.  And yes, I am rationalizing my crazy.

No, I don't care.

I may be sharing the actual, official, 2010 Brigid-with-Santa-for-Christmas picture with you, once our Christmas cards go out (Unless I can get Steve's permission to post it before then, but I wouldn't hold my breath.  I will tell you that the picture actually turned out better than I thought it would.  There is no smile involved because Brigid was understandably freaked out by the strange bearded man talking to her, but there also weren't any tears involved.  And I will definitely take that any day of the week...), but until then, I give you this:

Now that is some Christmas spirit I can get behind.

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