Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baby's first playdate!

My mother-in-law had a little birthday partying to do today, and because Brigid is always up for a good piece of cake, she tagged along.

And apparently, she made a new friend along the way...

No, not Elmo. She and Elmo go waaay back. In fact, I think she was a little pissed when she realized Elmo actually has other friends...

Either that, or someone told her she needed to share, and she wanted no part of all that crap.

No, this is her actual new friend, Lucy...

Looks like fun, no?

Apparently, there was a moment when Lucy was told to give Brigid a hug, and when she did, Brigid laid her head on Lucy's shoulder in return. Which sounds ridiculously cute, but Grandma Karen informed me she was a little slow on the draw, so we missed out on a picture of that.

Not that I'm upset or anything.


Let's just say I know what we'll be practicing around my house when she's staying with me next week...

(Totally kidding, Karen! Love the pictures you sent! You're awesome! Please don't stop watching my kid because I'm obnoxious!)

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