Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I was thinking about writing an entire post consisting of nothing but  

redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrumredrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum

a la The Shining, because I have been iced into my house since Sunday night.  But I thought that something along those lines might frighten people, even if it does accurately depict my current mental state.  I thought it might be a little more honesty than people are currently looking for from me.  

So I refrained.

And besides, I know it's not a good mental health practice to focus on the negatives in life.  Instead, I am going to accentuate the positives.  Which are, as follows:

1) I have been home to get Brigid up every morning for almost a week.  That's a nice change from the month before, when there were times I went a couple of days without seeing her at all.

2) I've spent quality time working from home, across the kitchen table from my dear husband, who was out of town on business last week.

3) My in-laws came down before the storm started, so my mother-in-law would be available to watch Brigid if Steve and I had to go to work, and she's been on hand to handle the bulk of the baby duties, while Steve and I have been working at the aforementioned kitchen table.

4) Because our office has been closed due to the weather, even the working from home has been slower than normal.  This has left me with plenty of time to accomplish things around the house, with the help of my mother-in-law.  As a result?  The basement playroom is clean and the great toy migration of 2011 has begun.  We are now only one large rug away from being finished, and Brigid will be forever banished to the basement.  I can't wait for my family room to look a little less like a disorganized daycare.

5) We never lost power, we had plenty of food, and we didn't run out of coffee.  

6) I am sufficiently up-to-date on my various PBS shows, including Sesame Street and Curious George.
7) The sun is out, the roads are warming up, and for the love of all that is good, I WILL GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE TOMORROW!  

And that, my friends, is something to be very, very thankful for.


  1. I am watching Curious George with the boys right now!!

  2. It's definitely becoming one of my favorites :)


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