Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day!

I feel like I've devoted many more posts to snow this winter than I'd ever expected to, what with living in Georgia and all.  Furthermore, I know I've devoted many more posts to snow this winter than I'd ever wanted to, since I moved south to get away from it all.

And yet, here I am.  Again.

And I'm tired of talking about the damn snow.  So instead, I'm actively mailing this one in today.

Look!  Cute toddler!

And there's a cute toddler with her dad!

And a cute toddler with her mom!

And a cute toddler in the worst excuse for a sled I've ever seen!

And some other pictures from inside, because it was just too cold to spend that much time outside!

Snow sucks, but Brigid is awesome.  Long live the snow day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, that "sled" picture made me laugh out loud. So cute!

    The first time I took my son out in the snow, he fell forward and landed flat on his face on the just-shoveled driveway.. he was too bundled up to catch himself and had a cut up nose and forehead for Christmas. So sad! I don't think he'll be getting to play in the snow anymore. haha!


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